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With a more prominent ‘Send in WhatsApp’ button, Facebook will now make it easier to share directly to WhatsApp. The social media platform with hightest no of users Facebook has started rolling out an update to Android, where all posts will now show the WhatsApp share button. The step is taken as Facebook looks to integrate more with the apps like WhatsApp and Instagram. According to a report, Facebook plans to add its name to the WhatsApp and Instagram apps.
A press statement by Facebook says that it will now make the WhatsApp sharing option more prominent. Though, the feature was already present in the ‘More Options’ of Facebook but it says they are making it more prominent, given the interest of sharing information on WhatsApp. A Facebook spokesperson in a statement said – “We’re making it easier for people to share posts they want to have conversations about with their WhatsApp contacts”.
After months of negotiations, we’ve reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission that provides a comprehensive new framework for protecting people’s privacy and the information they give us.
— Facebook (@facebook) July 24, 2019
The feature to ‘Send in WhatsApp’ will only appear for people with WhatsApp installed and for this Facebook relies on the Android PackageManager API, that is present on all apps on Android devices in order to check if there is WhatsApp installed on the device or not.
If a user tries out this feature, WhatsApp will not share a person’s WhatsApp account with Facebook. Basically, this is a direct shortcut in the Facebook app to share more quickly to WhatsApp instead of relying on the more option button.
Facebook wants to give users a choice to reach their friends across Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, from whichever app they prefer. Zuckerberg in a previous post had said, “With the ability to message across our services, however, you’d be able to send an encrypted message to someone’s phone number in WhatsApp from Messenger.”
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