Thursday, February 8, 2018

Video: This Army Officer dared to make a comment on Religion and it is opening our eyes

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Video: This Army Officer dared to make a comment on Religion and it is opening our eyes

We, as the citizens of India, have been fighting with each other over caste, and religion. The Hindu-Muslim fights are normal for us. The cases of honour killing in name of caste are still justified by many in the 21st century. However, did you know that the serving officers of the Indian Armed Forces are not authorised to comment on religious or political matters? It’s a mandate that the men in uniform follow till they hang their boots.

However, this army officer dared to speak on Religion and we can’t thank him enough for sharing this lesson. In this one minute video, he gives a lesson more powerful than all politicians put together.

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He narrated an incident about the time when his senior officer asked about his religion. He says, “When I was commissioned and I joined SF, my CO asked what is my religion and caste. I said- Sir I am a Hindu Rajput. He said- B****y fellow, you take a dip in the dirty water.  So I went and I took a dip in the water.” 

Watch the viral video here:

He further said, “Then I realised that there is something wrong I have said. Then again he asked and I said, sir, my religion is SF and my caste is SF. He then told me- you see, you are an officer. And your religion is the religion of your boys. So when we have this kind of template- and when you apply this kind of template in the country, I think most of the problems would be solved.”

Published by Kanika Saini on 08 Feb 2018

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