Monday, February 12, 2018

5 Inspiring Tips To Stay More Productive At Your Work Place!

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5 Inspiring Tips To Stay More Productive At Your Work Place!

Here are few tips to stay more productive at your work.

1. Note How Much Time You Spend On What Task

Note down how much time do you spend on various tasks so you get a rough idea of what takes the maximum and minimum time.

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2. Take Breaks

Human brain and body are like machines and even they need a break or else they will have defects while working.

3. Quit Multi-Tasking

While many think that multi-tasking can make tasks done faster, actually it is reverse. Focus on one thing at a time as the focused brain works faster.

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4. Turn Off Distractions

While working, turn-off e-mail and social media notifications so that you are not distracted frequently.

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5. Follow 90-Minutes Rules

Researchers show that performers who work in intervals of no more than 90 minutes are more productive than those who work 90 minutes-plus.

Published by Bhaumik Raja on 12 Feb 2018

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