Friday, August 9, 2019

A survey by research firm YouGov says 22% Millennials have ZERO friends

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A survey by research firm YouGov says 22% Millennials have ZERO friends

The people who falls in the age group of 23-38 years, do most of the things online. People learn new things, study, work and even look for potential partners using the internet over laptops or smartphones.  This is the extremely tech-savvy, social media-obsessed and a career-oriented generation that wants instant gratification.

But, interestingly a recent study says that the now generation is the loneliest generation when compared to Gen X and Baby Boomers.

Survey for the report was undertaken by market research firm YouGov. The firm reported that it was filled out by 1254 respondents, who are US residents over the age of 18, online between July 3 – 5 of the year 2019.

What they found was that 30% of Millennials often or always feel lonely and some of these statistics are deeply concerning. Millennials who have ZERO friends are 22% and around 30% have no best friend. But the silver lining is that 19% claimed to have over 50 acquaintances and 49% said they had 1-4 close friends.

And the survey when tried to pry further and to know the reason as to why the generation wasn’t making new friends, 53% cited shyness as the primary reason and around 20% said that it required too much effort and 14% attributed it to lack of free time. Also, several experts claim that social media is also a big factor.

The conculsion can be made as – “Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness”.

Published by Lokendra Sharma on 09 Aug 2019

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