Monday, January 1, 2018

Bengali TV actors and their New Year resolutions

After bidding adieu to 2017, finally we have ushered in 2018. With New Year, we make our new resolutions. Some of us succeed in achieving our goals while some of us dump it midway or never make any. What about our TV celebs of Bengal? Well, TellyChakkar got in touch with a few actors of Bengali TV shows to know about their New Year resolutions. Read on-

Debottam Majumder: “Heal the world, make it a better place, for you, me and the entire human race”….And the best way to do so is by making this earth greener. I would love to encourage people including me to plant more plants and make this planet a better place to live in.

Payel De: Stay fit and slim…Mostly stay happy always and don’t let the smile fade away…. Keep smiling and spread love.  

Gourab: To live well and inspire others to do the same…

Shreyosree Roy: I really don’t know what to say…. actually these things do not matter to me and I never thought about keeping resolutions…   

Debattama Saha: I have no resolutions. Actually, I never make any resolution because it keeps on changing with time depending on the situations that I come across in life. However, my main motive is to better my career. Bringing my career into a good track has always been my motivation.

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