Monday, June 3, 2019

Anand Mahindra Shares A Unique Signboard ‘Behave Like Animals’ Picture 

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Anand Mahindra Shares A Unique Signboard ‘Behave Like Animals’ Picture 

India’s 10 cities are among the world’s hottest cities and all thanks to the humans who are destroying the trees rapidly. For fulfilling the demands, forests have been cleared pointing that do we really deserve to live on this planet! No warning and no fear are effecting them.

Every now and then, pictures of heart breaking cutting of forests and destruction of nature goes viral but teach no lesson to anyone. For a few days back, a picture of an elephant finding food on a land filled with plastic went viral on the internet which was really shocking and heart breaking.

Highlighting the same problem, Anand Mahindra shared a picture that shows a unique signboard in a forest which reads as: ‘In the forests and mountains, animals do not leave trash, humans do. Please behave like animals’.

Mahindra with picture also posted a witty caption which reads as: ‘When angry with my behaviour, my mother used to say “Stop behaving like an animal.” ( Jaanwar ki tarah!)  I wish I could tell her today that I was behaving virtuously!’.

He tweeted the picture of sign board and in very less time, his tweet went viral and garnered close to 17,000 likes and over 3,000 retweets. To the tweets, one user pointed out the location of the signboard and said that he had seen it at Edakkal Caves in Wayanad, Kerala.

To this, a user tweeted back: We are worse than animals Sir!
I saw this video on whatsapp just now…shows what we humans are doing to the animals…brought tears in my eyes.

Another user tweeted back: I think all our mothers were trained with this phrase. Our teachers used to say this too .. Wonderful message for us humans .

Published by Mamatha Reddy on 03 Jun 2019

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