Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hisar Residents Come Forward To Make The City Clean; remove illegal posters, clean and paint walls

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Hisar Residents Come Forward To Make The City Clean; remove illegal posters, clean and paint walls

We all bring up the prominence of bringing small transformations in our culture. Be it by turning our living places hygienic or guaranteeing that our city barricades are not covered with ugly pictures. Whilst, the majority of us are here, being arm chair rebels there are people in the Haryana’s small city of Hisar, giving rise to a big transformation for the improvement of the city they call home.

Hisar is one of the smaller buy major cities towns of Haryana and something truly pleasant is taking place to the city walls.

image source

We have all witnessed community walls having random pictures, from time to time, vulgar remarks and most frequently pan spit. No one commonly looks at them two times; we just overlook and pass by speedily via such spaces. However, some people in the city Hisar stopped disregarding this rudeness and commenced taking sincere action, since 2018.

The tweet sums up what these volunteers have been carrying out.

“They voluntarily come together every Sunday to remove illegal posters, clean and paint the walls. They have been actively doing that for last 1 year and the group size is growing exponentially every week.’’

These unidentified samaritans are carrying out their bit for making their nation a healthier place.

They said that little help from all sides help them attain big objectives.

They said, “Little drops of water make a huge sea.”

Their small action might motivate other people to carry out the same; make a group and paint their city in a beautiful way. Who knows this could be a new trend like the #trashtag task that truly brought a change for the good.

The same thing we wish to see all over the nation and want to make ita proper and hygienic place to live in.

Published by Neetu Panwar on 20 Jun 2019

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