Friday, June 14, 2019

Father’s Day: Reasons Dads Are Special To Their Kids 

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Father’s Day: Reasons Dads Are Special To Their Kids 

With the simulation of Western civilization, our country has started celebrating many such special days such as World Cancer Awareness Day etc.  Father Day is also a similar day, on this day all the children show their gratitude towards their father. Father’s Day is a day to make your father feel special. On this day, children reflect their respect towards their father in different ways. Father’s Day is International Day, so this day is celebrated all over the world on this day.  It is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June and the upcoming Sunday will be celebrated as Father’s day.

Everyone talk about mother’s love, dedication, sacrifice and her other emotions but only a few talk about fathers who do everything for their kids. Dads are always there when their kids need him and become biggest cheerleader. He provides every need when you’re a kid, he supports you when you grow up and what not! He is always there to help his kids. He is all time hero to his kids from taking up the responsibility of the family and,to love his family without any complaint.

Since this Sunday, we are celebrating the Father’s Day, let’s take a look at 5 reasons why Dads are very special:

  1. They are synonyms of hard work:

Fathers never take step backward when it comes to hard work. They never take leaves citing the reason of tiredness. Everyday, they get up early in the morning and begin his day keeping their family in mind.

  1. They admire their kids

We see the image of father is a strict parent as when it comes to scold his kids, he does it. But his strictness is always for the good of his kids. He is the one who extend his support and admire his kids as well.

  1. They show their kids every part of life

Not only teaching about life, but father is one who shows world to his kids. He encourages his kids to enjoy life. He takes his kids on vacation and inspire kids to live life to the fullest.

  1. They make the day lighter

He becomes the life of every party with his witty or sometimes silly jokes. After a day long work, he makes the day lighter for his kids.

  1. They always show their support

Fathers are one who never let you take any wrong decision in life. And in case, if you take any wrong step, he will be there to bring you out from it. He is always there to support you.

By the way, nobody needs a reason to love his father but showing it someday will make his feel good.

Published by Mamatha Reddy on 15 Jun 2019

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