Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Putting Your Major to Work: Career Paths After College

Title: Putting Your Major to Work: Career Paths After College

Author: Anna Rotrosen, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Ryan Nunn and Greg Nantz

Source: The Hamilton Project

Authors of a recently released report by the Hamilton Project delved into the many occupational paths that students within the same major take after graduating from college.

The authors found that college majors relate to future employment status; gender and age are factors in employment status; and earnings vary for graduates of the same major dependent upon occupation, gender and age.

The authors also released an interactive data tool in which users can examine a breakdown of the most common jobs for 171 different college majors. It also shows the annual earnings for the most popular career paths and allows the user to filter the results by gender and age to see how these variables play a factor in both most common jobs and annual earnings.

To read the report and explore the interactive data, please visit The Hamilton Project’s website.

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