Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Equity Attainment Gaps Growing in Most States

Beatrice Ohene-Okae from Young Invincibles recently published a blog post that examines equity gaps between white, African American and Latino students by state.

According to the data analysis, over the past 10 years, educational attainment gaps between white and African American students widened in 38 of the 45 states where data were available. The attainment gap between white and Latino students widened in 39 states and DC.

Ohene-Okae’s blog also shares the states with the highest educational attainment gaps in 2015, and those with the largest growth in attainment gaps between 2005 and 2015. She provides examples of what states are doing to address these gaps and links to an interactive map of the equity attainment data.

To read the full blog and explore the interactive data, please see Young Invincibles’ website.

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