Monday, May 1, 2017

Center for American Progress’s Higher Ed, Not Debt Campaign Surveying Colleges and Universities on Protections for Undocumented Students

Higher Ed, Not Debt—a multi-organizational project of the Center for American Progress—is asking colleges and universities to respond to a survey for a dataset that will showcase the breadth and type of actions institutions are taking to support their undocumented students.

The survey, which may be completed anonymously, aims to determine what types of support schools are providing, such as legal support, financial support and statements of support.

Survey responses will be used to create a report on the current landscape and guidelines for other programs looking to expand their efforts in a similar capacity. Given the focus, the survey may be best suited for the office of the president or student affairs.

The deadline has been extended to May 16. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions.

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