Monday, May 22, 2017

Labor Market Returns for Graduates of Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Title: Labor Market Returns for Graduates of Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Author: Toby J. Park, Stella M. Flores & Christopher J. Ryan Jr.

Source: Florida State University News

This journal article highlights how earnings of graduates of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) compare to those from non-HSIs.

The authors examined data for three cohorts who graduated from public high schools in 1997, 2000, and 2002; enrolled in a public four-year university in Texas the fall after graduating from high school; completed a college degree within six years at their starting institution; and earned at least $100 in all four quarters in the calendar year cycle 10 years after graduating from high school. They found that after accounting for institutional resources and selectivity, students graduating from HSIs have comparable earnings to those who graduated from non-HSIs.

To read the article, please visit Florida State University News’ website.

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