Friday, May 31, 2019

10 facts of Mango

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10 facts of Mango

Mangoes are juicy stone fruit from numerous species of tropical trees belonging to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit. Mangoes are native to South Asia. They were first grown in India around 5’000 years ago. It is believed that Buddha also meditated under a mango tree. Mango is available in many different shapes, sizes and colors including yellow, orange, green red and. The vitamin content of mango depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit. When it is green and still growing there is a high vitamin C content, as the fruit ripens and matures the amount of vitamin A increases. The mango tree plays a sacred role in India. It is a symbol of love and some believe that they can even grant wishes. Also, mango leaves are often used at weddings to ensure the couple bear plenty of children.

  1. Tyrant of Hearts

Mango has given the title as the king of fruits because it is reigning the hearts of people since long through its various attributes including heat beater, remedial measures, taste, ingredient to various other yummy recipes like the pickle, mango salsa, mango desserts, mango cupcakes and much more.

  1. Elongate Excursion
    1. The Mango Capital

    India is termed as the “Mango Capital of the World” as it tops the list of Mango producing countries followed by China, Thailand, Indonesia, and so on. Although India is the largest Mango producer country, in terms of international trade, it accounts less than 1%; India consumes most of its own Mango production.

    1. A Stockpile of vitamin C

    A cup of Mango provides 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. Besides Vitamin C, Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and other antioxidants, which aid in keeping your immune system strong, fights cancerous cells, cholesterol control, and vision care.

    1. Unswept Mango

    It is a good source of  Vitamin E that is known as sex vitamin. Therefore, herbal treatments prescribe mangoes for increase virility in man. Keeping heed of this reason only, mangoes are said to have aphrodisiac nature that boosts love life by driving sex hormones up to the level to enjoy manhood optimally.

    1. The commodious peel

    Though, mango peels are said to be dermatitis prone because of the latex and peep scattered on its surface it contains healthy benefits also. Mangoes are rich in phytonutrients namely carotenoids and polyphenols. Apart from this, it also helps in preventing constipation, arthritis, dysentery, piles, and indigestion. So, next time, don’t just throw away the skin of mango but clean it properly so as to remove its peep and latex and then enjoy this delicious fruit.

    1. Therapeutic mango leaves

    Mango leaves are filled with remedial and curative traits. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants, which help in treating or preventing diabetes, blood pressure, restlessness, gall and kidney stones, respiratory problems, and dysentery.

    1. National Tree

    In 2010, Bangladesh declared the Mango tree as its National Tree. Earlier, Bangladesh had no National Tree.Also, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines have adopted Mango as their National Fruit.

    1. Don’t mess with the Mango!

    Burning Mango leaves, woods, or debris is not advisable as they are toxic in nature and can infect eyes and lungs severely. Moreover, mango leaves are considered toxic for cattle feed as well. Earlier it was a practice to feed mango leaves to cattle so that their urine becomes dark yellow and that can be used in preparing dye. But later, it was banned seeing the repercussions in animals who are used in farming and all other cultivation processes.

    1. Long Longevity!

    Mango trees have long longevity as compared other fruit bearing trees. According to sources, some Mango trees bear fruits and flowers even at the age of 300 years and more.

    Published by Lokendra Sharma on 01 Jun 2019

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