Friday, February 8, 2019

US president at the assembly of SOTU invited a special guest Joshua Trump who was found sleeping during his speech

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US president at the assembly of SOTU invited a special guest Joshua Trump who was found sleeping during his speech

The President of White House Donald Trump delivered his second State of the Union speech to Congress on Tuesday. And this time it was worth mentioning as the assembly included an 11-year-old boy who is actually not a member of the president’s family, a simple boy from Wilmington Delaware, who was bullied in school as his surname was similar to the President’s name. The boy finally dropped out of school.

Joshua Trump the 11-year boy was the special guest of honor at the Trump’s Union Speech. The boy was passionate about science and was invited to the State of Union Speech. He was seated beside Melania Trump. Meanwhile, Donald’s speech on an important issue of ‘an urgent national crises’, something peculiar was caught in the cameras. The bullied boy was taking a siesta at the assembly during the time when Donald was delivering his speech.

Take a look at the video footage where the young lad is enjoying his nap time:

In a short statement issued, “He appreciates science, art, and history,” the statement said. “He also loves animals and hopes to pursue a related career in the future,” it continued.

Summing up the statement, “Unfortunately, Joshua has been bullied in school due to his last name. He is thankful to the First Lady and the Trump family for their support.”

Published by Shifa Naz on 08 Feb 2019

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