Saturday, December 29, 2018

This Kid Using Alexa For His Maths Problem Is Equally Funny And A Serious Matter

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This Kid Using Alexa For His Maths Problem Is Equally Funny And A Serious Matter

We all are surrounded by the smart and new updated technologies and devices be it adults, elders or the young kids. But sometimes these upgrades in technology results in bad happening for anyone and this recent incident is proof.

In New Jersey, the US, a 6 six-year-old boy was reportedly caught by his mother using an Alexa device to solve his maths problems at home. The little boy asked Alexa in the video “What’s five minus three”? For which Alexa replies immediately with ‘two’. The boy even thanked Alexa for the same.

Mother named Yerelyn Cueva on Twitter shared the video indeed funny and wrote, “LMFAO should I whoop him now or later”.

Smart kid but smartness goes wrong and used in a wrong way…

Yerelyn Cueva in a report by New York Post said, “It was just any regular day of doing homework. I’m in the living room, and I overheard him asking Alexa some math problems, and I could not believe it”.

While this could be a basic question for Alexa to answer accurately but this could be a reason to stress for guardians or parents utilizing savvy colleagues in their homes. While experimenting with Alexa with some arithmetic inquiry from up to second grade and shockingly Alexa was right on the money with the appropriate responses. Where children of up to 6-year-old may think that it’s hard to utilize a calculator to comprehend maths, the capacity to find solutions by essentially asking a shrewd associate like Alexa could be counterproductive for children.

Furthermore, for the record, you can likewise download Alexa on any Android cell phone and you don’t really need to get an Amazon Echo gadget.

Not simply people, as of late, a parrot took the assistance of Amazon Alexa to arrange his most loved natural products. Parrots are known to be keen and it is dependably a treat to hear them duplicate what people say. Be that as it may, imagine a parrot, so canny, that it can duplicate the proprietor’s voice and educate an Alexa-fueled Echo gadget to purchase its most loved foods grown from the ground. The African Gray parrot Rocco had truly included a shopping list while addressing an Amazon Alexa gadget day by day.

His Alexa-controlled shopping list incorporates broccolis, frozen yoghurts, watermelons and raisins. The parrot had even arranged Alexa to get him a light and a kite for reasons best known to him. It was as of late that the proprietor of the Amazon account found what the parrot was shopping on the web subtly. Aside from shopping on the web, the parrot is a specialist to train Alexa to play music.

Published by Soniya Kaur on 29 Dec 2018

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