Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Twitter User Asked Kindest Experiences One Have In 2018 And The Response Is Heart Melting

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A Twitter User Asked Kindest Experiences One Have In 2018 And The Response Is Heart Melting

One more year is near to its end and just like everyone we are also feeling nostalgic. This year comes to its end in a blink of an eye and people are resting while thinking about how everything went. 2018 is full of happy-sad ups and downs in every prospect of life.

This year also is known as the wedding year as we have witnessed many lovebirds tying the nuptial knot with their loved ones, women achieving further goals and others taking the courage to tell their share of stories through a well-known movement in Bollywood. Well, we appreciate you all who have overcome the toughest situation in their lives.

So, as an ode to this year, people are sharing kindest things they’ve experienced this year when a Twitter user (@prisonculture) asked a simple yet the sweetest question and netizens started pouring in their share of story. Believe us, it will bring a smile to your face!

The user wrote, “What’s the kindest thing that someone did for you in 2018?”

Hold a box of tissue, you guys, while reading the below tweets while one said, “I can’t afford a phone. So one friend gave me the $ for a prepaid iPhone & another has been paying for my monthly service ever since. It’s been such a lifeline for me & my kids/family. And it helps me keep in touch online too. So grateful” and the other tweeted, “I started a new job around the time my son was born. Sleep wasn’t really happening and I thought it was affecting my work. President calls me in to talk, I figured I was fired. He and his SO made frozen dinners so I wouldn’t have to worry about cooking with a newborn.”:

Well, guys, if you have such kind experiences, do comment and tell your side of the story!

Published by Soniya Kaur on 29 Dec 2018

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