Sunday, November 11, 2018

According to studies women suffer more stress from husband rather than children

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According to studies women suffer more stress from husband rather than children

A healthy and successful marriage life is as important as earning and living but on a rough note, we are here to tell you a surprising revelation of married women as they experience more stress than single women. Their responsibilities double up with stepping out from the parent house. After marriage, they have a new life, which includes huge load work and parenthood. But the major effects are more likely to experience headaches, enervate and irritation all these together giving birth to stress. Well, the most astonishing thing which is surprisingly true is that husbands make a greater contribution in adding up stress in their wife’s life.


As per the recent study, 46% of wives say that children create less stress than their husbands and it’s not related to manhandle, cheating or ill-treat. Compared to children, husbands give more stress. With this article, we will tell you all the consequences of stress and ways to get rid of them.

One of the responders during this research said, “A 7-year-old is going to be a 7-year-old. But a 35-year-old acting like a 7-year-old is more stressful because they should know better,” while mothers are more serious and careful with issues related to nurturing, upbringing, health, and education of their children, while fathers are more likely to be like a friend.

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Solution to the above problem is to work in unity if one parent forbids something, then the second one should be supportive, it’s also important to share responsibilities.

From a study found that one among 5 moms says not getting enough help from their spouse is a major source of stress, giving more time to daily household work, while husbands share more time relaxing.

Image result for women stress more than husband


To sort out this problem we can provoke husbands to share with her not only for household work and child care, but also act responsible for the whole family, meanwhile women can develop their time management skills, well its true that it takes two to tango, hence collaboration of both as a parent is required to make a family healthy.

Hope you like reading it…Share your view.

Published by Shifa Naz on 12 Nov 2018

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