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Priyanka Chopra’s sudden exit from upcoming film ‘Bharat’ leaved the fans and the Bharat team shocked. Just few days before the start of the shooting, Ali Abbas Zafar announced that Priyanka is no more a part of the film. He had announced on Twitter, “Yes Priyanka Chopra is no more part of @Bharat_TheFilm & and the reason is very very special , she told us in the Nick of time about her decision and we are very happy for her … Team Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love & happiness for life.”
Yes Priyanka Chopra is no more part of @Bharat_TheFilm & and the reason is very very special , she told us in the Nick of time about her decision and we are very happy for her … Team Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love & happiness for life
— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) July 27, 2018
Days later, we came to know that her engagement with Nick Jonas is the reason behind her exit. However, she also went on to sign a Hollywood project which also hinted towards the reason behind her exit from Salman Khan’s film.
And now, Salman Khan has broken his silence about the whole incidence. During the launch of Bigg Boss 12, Salman took a dig at the Quantico star and said, “It was sweet of her to tell us five days before the shoot that she couldn’t do ‘Bharat’.”
He added, “I hope the other movie (Cowboy Ninja Viking) that she has signed, works out. Now that she is engaged, we are happy for her. I hope she gets married soon, has children and lives happily ever after.”
However, he had earlier said, “I’m really happy for her. Had we got to know about it a little earlier that she had signed a big project there (Hollywood), we would have never stopped her.”
Soon after Priyanka’s exit, Katrina Kaif was finalised for the film. Speaking about the same, Salman said, “I’m glad Katrina is part of the film. She was Atul’s (Agnihotri, producer) first choice. But Priyanka called Ali (Abbas Zafar, director) and said she wanted to do Bharat, so we considered her.”
Bharat is an official adaptation of the South Korean film – Ode To My Father and is slated for Eid release next year.
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