Monday, October 16, 2017

IIE Study Shows That Studying Abroad Has a Direct Impact on Skills Needed for Career Success

Title: IIE Study Shows That Studying Abroad Has a Direct Impact on Skills Needed for Career Success

Authors: Christine Farrugia, Jodi Sanger

Source: Institute of International Education

Date: Oct. 5, 2017

The Institute of International Education (IIE) has released a new study that demonstrates the links between international educational experience and the critical skills needed for employment in today’s workforce.

Based on survey responses from more than 4,500 U.S. college and university alumni at various stages of their careers and follow-up interviews, IIE reports that study abroad contributes to the development of transferable skills and positive employment gains, with the impact varying according to program characteristics, study destinations and student goals.

One key finding shows that studying abroad for longer periods of time has a high impact on subsequent job offers and career advancement as well as the development of foreign language and communication skills. Among alumni who studied abroad for one academic year, 68 percent reported studying abroad contributing to a job offer or promotion, compared to just 43 percent of alumni who studied abroad for fewer than eight weeks. At the same time, stronger gains in teamwork skills were reported by students who took part in short-term programs, which tend to be more structured and team oriented than longer-term programs.

For more information and to download the full report, please click here.

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