Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Faces of Dreamers: Gloria Oduyoye, William and Mary Law School

This is one in a series of posts on individual Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as young children, many of whom are under threat of deportation following the Trump administration’s decision last month to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, or DACA.

Gloria Oduyoye, who was brought to the United States as a one-year-old, is in her final semester at William and Mary (VA) Law School after earning her undergraduate dual degree in political science and music at Wesleyan College (GA). She noted that she is on track to become the first DACA recipient to graduate from law school in Virginia.

She recently traveled to Capitol Hill to participate in a day where more than 100 Dreamers spoke to members of Congress about the importance of passing bipartisan legislation to protect Dreamers.

Watch the FWD.us video of her story below:

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