Monday, July 17, 2017

The Impact of Year-Round Pell Grants on Academic and Employment Outcomes of Community College Students

Report: The Impact of Year-Round Pell Grants on Academic and Employment Outcomes of Community College Students

Author: Vivian Yuen Ting Liu

Source: Community College Research Center

Year-round Pell Grants were recently reinstated, having previously been implemented for the 2009-2010 and 2010-11 academic years. A timely working paper released by the Community College Research Center at Columbia University examines the effect of year-round Pell Grants on the likelihood of completing an associate degree.

In the paper, author Vivien Yuen Ting Liu uses a difference-in-difference model to examine credit, credential completion and labor market outcomes for year-round Pell. According to the findings, for every $1,000 of year-round Pell Grant funding per eligible student, the likelihood of summer enrollment increases by 27 percentage points and the likelihood of associate degree completion increases by 2.2 percentage points.

To read the full working paper, please see the Community College Research Center website.

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