Friday, July 14, 2017

New Evidence on Integrated Career Pathways

Report: New Evidence on Integrated Career Pathways

Source: The Urban Institute and The George Washington University

The Urban Institute, in partnership with The George Washington University, recently released an impact analysis of the Accelerating Opportunity (AO) initiative across four states. The program, created by Jobs for the Future, helps students and adults enroll in integrated career pathway programs at community and technical colleges.

The report found that every state experienced an 11 to 20 percent increase in the likelihood that AO students would earn any credential when compared to similar students not enrolled in the initiative. In Illinois, AO students were more likely to persist beyond 12 credits than others. Beyond credits, Kentucky students recruited from adult education had 43 percent greater earnings than the comparison group after eight quarters of enrollment.

However, it should be noted that the report did not find any statistically significant gains in earnings across all states during the follow-up period.

With most students earning more credentials while taking fewer credits, the AO model may serve as a more efficient and accelerated model for giving adults the skills to succeed. However, the report encourages policy makers to explore how to translate these increases in credential attainment into long-term earnings gains, perhaps by strengthening links with employers.

Read the full report here.

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