Monday, September 18, 2017

Freedom of Speech on Campus: Guidelines for Governing Boards and Institutional Leaders

Title: Freedom of Speech on Campus: Guidelines for Governing Boards and Institutional Leaders

Source: AGB Press

First amendment rights regarding freedom of speech on college campuses nationwide has sparked significant debate and media coverage in recent months. In response, following a July convening of various campus stakeholders including board members, presidents, faculty and students, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) developed a set of guidelines to provide clarity on the role of institutions in upholding such freedoms.

The report gives an overview of the tensions between sustaining inclusive campus cultures while upholding freedom of speech laws that may encourage provocative and polarizing ideas. To address this tension, AGB provides a six-point set of guidelines designed to encourage institutional leaders to increase their availability to students who want to directly discuss campus issues related to freedom of speech, and also encourage board members to support presidents in implementing campus freedom of speech policies, given the context of their institutional missions and values.

To download the full publication, please see AGB’s website.

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