Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Inside Higher Ed: Results from Survey of College and University Business Officers

Title: Inside Higher Ed: Results from Survey of College and University Business Officers

Authors: Doug Lederman and Rick Seltzer

Source: Inside Higher Ed

According to the 2017 Inside Higher Ed Survey of College and University Business Officers, half of campus chief budget officers (CBOs) have significantly modified their budget model in recent years.

The rationale: seven in 10 CBOs agree that media reports claiming higher education is in the midst of a financial crisis are accurate. To try and combat the looming financial crisis, 71 percent of CBOs responded that they would try to increase enrollment, although that is a 16 percent drop from the previous edition of the survey. Many CBOs have broached the subject of mergers and consolidations, but they also believe that is unlikely to occur for reasons that include faculty opposition, geography and the desire to maintain the status quo.

To read the full article and learn more about the survey, please visit Inside Higher Ed’s website.

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