Tuesday, April 11, 2017

ACE’s Lorelle Espinosa Joins National Academies Committee to Study STEM Programs at MSIs

lorelle-espinosa-smallLorelle Espinosa, assistant vice president for ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy, has been tapped to serve on a new committee of higher education diversity scholars, STEM faculty, and STEM workforce professionals for the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.

The “Closing the Gap: Revitalizing STEM Education and Workforce Readiness Programs in the Nation’s Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs)” committee will determine what policies, programs, and curricula and lab experiences at MSIs effectively increase minority participation and graduation in the STEM fields—science, technology, engineering and mathematics—and prepare them for success in STEM careers.

The study will conclude in a report that will offer recommendations for policymakers; business and industry; and college and university administrators, faculty and staff to close equity gaps in STEM education and workforce readiness.

To read the full announcement, including the list of committee members and sponsors, please see the National Academies’ website.

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